Novel Wines Presents Entrepreneur Awards to Bath Spa University Students
Novel Wines founder Ben Franks presented four Bath Spa University student businesses with the BathSparks "Do It" prize of £500 each at the annual Bath Spa Careers awards on Thursday 11 May!
BathSparks is the University's scheme to support and encourage entrepreneurial and aspiring freelance students. The Do It competition was set up to reward those students who had gone out and started businesses already.
Awards were given in four categories: Best Freelancer, Best Business Success, Best Artistic & Cultural Impact, and Best Social Impact.
Congratulations go to film-maker Francesco Martinuzzi, artist Ashley Mackle, LGBTQ+ awareness group Alphabet Soup and events business PURE.
"I'm always honoured to be invited to Bath Spa University's events supporting the brilliant enterprising nature of the students, graduates and staff," said Ben. "Over the years I've personally mentored many of the students and, as a former graduate of the University, I couldn't be more proud of how far the University has come in supporting these amazing students.
"Well done to all the award-winners on the evening."